Deadlands Feed

Anjali Bhimani, Exandria Unlimited’s Fy’ra Rai, talks D&D, roleplaying versus acting roles, and joining the Critical Role series
“I take roleplaying with me whenever I’m performing in any other medium.”

Weird West RPG Deadlands wrangles three adventures into a new hardcover book
Get a dog, little longy.

Pandemic Legacy: Season 0, Fort and haunted board games: it's this week's Dicebreaker Podcast!
We take no responsibility for any rodent hauntings as the result of listening to this episode.

We’re back to spark joy and talk tabletop games from Frosthaven to Deadlands on this week's Dicebreaker Podcast!
The latest board game and RPG news, what we’ve been playing, and your questions answered.

Deadlands’ first big update in 15 years is looking like the best edition of the Weird West RPG yet - Kickstarter preview
Manitou good to miss.

Weird West tabletop RPG Deadlands is being revamped with its biggest new edition in 15 years
Built on updated Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition system.
Other editions of Deadlands