10 best feats in Dungeons & Dragons 5E
D&D feats that will see your party carving through your enemies.
The best feats D&D 5E has to offer will look different for every character. There are, however, a few D&D feats that we seasoned RPG players consider objectively better, such as the more versatile feats, the feats with the best stat increases or those that give other players a chance to land dangerous combo moves. Then there are the D&D feats that are just too badass to ignore.
If you're asking yourself "What is a D&D feat, anyway?", the best way to describe it is an additional layer of customisation for your character. It's that little bit of added flair that makes your character feel unique and masterful of their craft. Most player characters are afforded very few feats, so it pays to choose well.
Best D&D 5E feats
- Lucky (Player's Handbook)
- War Caster (Player's Handbook)
- Magic Initiate (Player's Handbook)
- Tough (Player’s Handbook)
- Sentinel (Player’s Handbook)
- Rune Shaper (Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants)
- Inspiring Leader (Player's Handbook)
- Sharpshooter (Player's Handbook)
- Mobile (Player's Handbook)
- Slasher (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
The main takeaway is to pick a feat that'll support your stats. Importantly, though, you should let your feats add flavour to your character, rather than dictate your playstyle. If you can't figure out a reason your Barbarian might know how to carve runes, don't shoehorn it in just for a few bonuses. Let it feed your backstory first, and fill gaps in the party's abilities second.
When picking the best feats in D&D 5E, we've tried to keep a broad scope, as there are heaps to choose from. There are feats here for would-be spellslingers, tanks with a penchant for crowd control and jammy beggars who always seem to fumble their rolls. The order is mostly arbitrary since each feat's usefulness is subjective and will depend on your party's needs. Very few will be applicable to your character and their backstory, too, so keep an eye out for one that floats your Nautiloid.
1. Lucky (Player's Handbook)
Versatile and ever so convenient
If you're looking for the most versatile D&D 5E feat there is, you've found it with Lucky. Applicable in almost every situation, Lucky will give you free rerolls when you fumble on a natural one. That's a pretty overpowered feat if you ask me - though it's nerfed somewhat, being limited to three luck points to spend per long rest. Still, the fact these points can be used in combat and outside of it, both defensively and offensively, makes it hands-down one of the most impressive feats to date. And it's available in the Player's Handbook.
Alternatively those playing Halflings—an inherently lucky race—can look to Xanthars Guide for Bountiful Luck, which allows the rest of your party to benefit from your lucky bonuses, too.
2. War Caster (Player's Handbook)
Up-close and mystical
War Caster is an essential 5E feat for melee mages. Plenty of the best spells require the caster to keep concentration, making rolls to ensure their cast works. Take damage and you'll have to match a DC of 10, or half the damage you take. Failing that means the spell is broken and you have to start the cast again, so getting up close and personal can be challenging for a spellslinger.
The War Caster feat grants advantage on concentration checks, making melee caster builds much more viable. Not only that, should a spell ask for somatic components, the War Caster can keep wielding their weapon and shield while performing the gesture. Combine it with a Ruby of the War Mage and you can turn your weapon into a spellcasting focus to cast somatic and/or material components in battle, without dropping your sword.
3. Magic Initiate (Player's Handbook)
Living on borrowed magic
With this feat your D&D character can branch out a little from their usual arsenal by acquiring a lick of knowledge from another class. More specifically, with Magic Initiate you gain access to a first-level spell and two cantrips from a class of your choice. That means non-magical characters can add a splash of spellcasting to their faculties. You only get a single, lowest-level cast of your chosen spell per long rest, but you can at least help to fill gaps in the party with it.
Keep in mind that, while you now have access to a plethora of spells, you're going to be rolling on the same stats as the class you've chosen. So if you're playing a more Intelligence-oriented Wizard looking to adopt a Wisdom-based spell through this feat, remember you'll still have to roll on Wisdom. Don't leave it as a dump stat.

4. Tough (Player’s Handbook)
With an additional two HP per level-up, including any previous levels if you take the feat later down the line, Tough is a frankly unmatched feat for would-be tanks in terms of health buffs. Unlike some feats, these hit points are permanent and will see you taking hits and coming right back for more.
Tough isn't fancy like some of the other D&D 5E feats on this list. It's a simple yet effective solution for keeping your character alive and engaged in the battle. Sometimes a little more health is all you need.
5. Sentinel (Player’s Handbook)
Play the protector
Those looking to brick-wall will appreciate the Sentinel feat. This one's part-defender and part-crowd controller, as it's all about standing your ground and making sure no-one slips by. Hence the name.
With Sentinel you're taking on the role of formidable gatekeeper, with the ability to not only reduce an enemy's speed to zero with your opportunity attack, but also ignore their Disengage action. Going back-to-back with an ally, you can take a reaction any time you catch an enemy attacking them. Those are some preposterous defensive tactics.
6. Rune Shaper (Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants)
No spell slots necessary
Those who already have access to spellcasting abilities, or more appropriately rune-carving, will benefit from Rune Shaper. This feat gives spellslingers a choice of rune-based casts equal to half your proficiency bonus. Unfortunately that number rounds down but, considering they don't use up spell slots when casting, this is an immensely powerful feat.
While you can't switch the ones you chose on a rest, you can change them out each time you level up. On top of that, you can also cast Comprehend Languages once on a long rest, with no spell slot required unless you already cast it once since your last long rest.

7. Inspiring Leader (Player's Handbook)
Talk the party into triumph
Should you be caught playing the party's face - as a Bard, Sourcerer, Rogue, Paladin or the like - and find that you're majoring in Charisma, Inspiring Leader is a great feat to consider. It gives any character with high Charisma the ability to empower six allies with a fantastic health buff, provided you have ten minutes to spare before battle.
Inspiring Leader directly translates your Charisma stat into HP for the rest of the party, as long as they're within a 30-foot radius and aren't deafened. Once on a short rest, spout some words of encouragement and anyone listening will be granted temporary HP boon equal to your Charisma mod, plus your current level.
At higher levels this is easily one of the most powerful feats in D&D 5E. It's important to remember that while it does stack with spells such as Bless, Heroism and Protection from Evil and Good, its benefits don't stack with other sources of temporary HP, such as snacks from the party's chef.
8. Sharpshooter (Player's Handbook)
Eyes on the prize
A truly overpowered boon for ranged attackers, Sharpshooter can give you a truly brutal boost to damage made from a distance. It may be reliant on high attack rolls, but if you're certain your aim is true you can take a -5 on your attack roll in order to deal an extra 10 damage to your mark.
That's a mindboggling bonus when you consider that a Sharpshooter can also ignore both half and three-quarter cover, negating the disadvantage they would otherwise impose. If you've nabbed the Archery Fighting Style, that extra attack bonus synergises well here, along with anything that improves your ranged attack stat. It's a great feat for clearing the battleground of low-AC rabble.
9. Mobile (Player's Handbook)
Catch me if you can
The Mobile feat is great for anyone looking to speed across the battlefield unhindered, so preferably it should go to someone already pretty nimble who can seek out the party's main mark. It grants the ability to ignore difficult terrain on a Dash, and negate opportunity attacks for a turn when you target an enemy in melee range. You don't even have to hit them, just flail and get the heck outta there. While the Mobile feat doesn't give any bonus directly to your main stats like Athlete would, it does add a good ten feet to your speed stat.
Alternatively, Athlete ups either your Strength or Dexterity score, while giving you both a jumping and climbing bonus. It also means you can spring back into action when prone with only five movement points, as opposed to the usual half movement. This one's a little more situational - most GM's I've had haven't counted my steps on a long jump, especially mid-battle. There's already enough to think about!
10. Slasher (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
The bloodletter's boon
Adding a +1 to either your Strength or Dexterity stat, the Slasher feat will benefit melee builds most of all. It's a little more specific than Sentinel, but the premise is the same - debuff your enemies and keep them at bay… while deftly wielding a blade.
Successfully land a hit that does slashing damage, and your target's speed stat drops by ten feet. On top of that, a critical hit with slashing damage will have your target flailing on their attack rolls with disadvantage. Attacking while keeping pressure on a gaping wound ain't easy, after all.