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Poll: How many games do you back on Kickstarter each year?

Put your money where your mouth is.

Kickstarter campaigns. I'd bet we've all, at some point, been tempted to back one. But how many of you actually follow through on that feeling? Not backing the campaign for the Slay the Spire board game was a painful decision for me to make.

Kickstarter is a great place to find upcoming games. Looking through our recent highlights of campaigns, there's everything from surviving an alien invasion, to battling against fellow Greek gods in an architecture contest, to living out your dream of being a part of The Terminator universe.

We're all aware of the pitfalls of backing something on Kickstarter though. You're giving money upfront for something which doesn't exist yet, with the onus on companies to deliver on the promise you invested in. Kickstarter very famously doesn't refund backers once a campaign has ended. And if the end product isn't delivered to you for whatever reason, it's up to the company you pledged to how and if refunds will be handled.

Watch our rundown of this year's upcoming board games to keep an eye on.Watch on YouTube

This hasn't stopped us from backing tabletop games on Kickstarter though. Last year, the company announced that 20% of the money fundraised through Kickstarter has been for tabletop games since the platform launched. Looking at games as a whole, over half of the fundraised money went towards tabletop projects.

The enthusiasm for backing games on Kickstarter is clearly thriving. But are you someone who waits until a game is completely funded and available for sale publicly, or do you take the leap and back any projects that catch your interest?

How many games do you back on Kickstarter each year? Have your say in the comments!

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