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Sentinels of the Multiverse announce an anniversary definitive edition of its comic book card game

Tights and tabletops.

Sentinels of the Multiverse will celebrate its ten-year anniversary with an upgraded box that puts a polish on nearly every aspect of the original cooperative card game. The loving homage to superhero comics is currently crowdfunding its definitive edition release through Kickstarter.

Published by Greater Than Games, Sentinels of the Multiverse tasks two to five players with donning the tights and capes of super heroes pulled from the pages of Golden Age comics to defend the world from diabolical villains. Each of the twelve heroes bring a fixed deck of cards representing the abilities and superpowers they bring to a fight. One villain - and the environment they menace - is controlled by dedicated decks of cards flipped over one at a time.

Each round consists of the group of heroes responding to the villain’s scheme and addressing the havoc it wreaks on the environment and any innocent bystanders caught in the collateral. Designers Christopher Badell, Paul Bender, Adam Rebottaro balanced it such that collaboration and understanding the strengths of each individual hero is key to emerging victorious.

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Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition will make a quality pass at nearly every element of the game, from updating the art on cards, tokens and the box itself to tightening the writing and foundational design elements. The designers claim this new version will play quicker and provide a more engaging experience for everyone at the table, along with communicating how all these interactions work for a cleaner onboarding experience.

“We created Sentinels of the Multiverse over ten years ago, and we have learned a LOT since then,” Badell states on the crowdfunding page. “The original version of Sentinels was entirely made by me and Adam just at the start of our careers working in games, and it shows. It deserves another look — a new, more polished, more definitive edition.”

For those who own and still want to play the original Sentinels of the Multiverse or any of its expansions, Greater Than Games has developed a conversion guide to change older boxes over to the new ruleset. The publisher has also stated there are plans in the works for expansions to the definitive edition in the future.

Sentinels of the Multiverse, first released in 2010, has led to a spate of games in the same series, including the Sentinel Comics tabletop RPG and the dice-based strategy title Sentinel Tactics. The creators have channeled their professed love for superhero comic books into creating an extended universe with heroes from multiple time periods represented in their games - many of which feature period-appropriate art styles on specific cards and board pieces.

The Kickstarter for Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition will run through April 23rd, with backers able to secure a box for $50 (£36). Shipping is expected to start in November of this year.

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