Warhammer Quest’s next board game entry brings corpses and curses to the tabletop
Rave in the grave.
Games Workshop announced Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, a new addition to its line of dungeon-crawling board games, as part of its The Dead and the Divine livestream event last weekend.
Cursed City takes place in Ulfenkarn, a “once great city” where three noble scions forged peace with the spirits of the land until the legions of the Dark Gods of Chaos came knocking. According to the official website, the city accepted aid from a source that spared it from immediate desolation but invited a much crueler fate for its inhabitants.
Details from the event say Warhammer Studio has been revising and updating the rules system for Cursed City, and it will include unique miniatures with detail quality matching the offerings for its mainline wargames.
Games Workshop held back any details on how Cursed City actually plays, instead leaning on the flavour and setting. Players will command up to eight Agents of Defiance against the five evil Overlords now in control of Ulfenkarn. During the event, one unit from each opposing faction received a spotlight: Jelson Darrock and Gorslav the Gravekeeper. One guess who’s the ostensible good guy.
Darrock is a former witch hunter expelled from his order over unbecoming conduct. Now, his lack of morals apparently keep him alive in a world ruled by the damned. He sports a full arsenal of sword, stakes, gun and hammer for dealing with unholy threats, along with a pointy hat and flowing cloak. No word yet whether such an ensemble bestows tactical advantage. Gorslav is a walking nightmare with a penchant for burying his captives alive. Hefting a massive shovel, a hooked hand and a distinct lack of shirt, Ulfenkarn’s populace know to hide and pray the Gravekeeper passes by their doors for at least one more night.
The site showcases a map of Ulfenkarn, highlighting key locations throughout the occupied city. The inner sections near a massive castle have yet to be revealed, but names such as The Clot and Hangman’s Garden already paint a grim portrait of conditions within the walls.

Cursed City will be the fourth board game in the Warhammer Quest line since Games Workshop revitalised the series with 2016’s Silver Tower, which was followed by Shadows Over Hammerhal in 2017 - both set in the then-fairly new Age of Sigmar universe. In 2018, Warhammer 40,000 received the Quest treatment with Blackstone Fortress and supported the title with expansions until last summer. Each approached the core dungeon-crawling gameplay with different rulesets, providing unique experiences in the same genre.
The original Warhammer Quest debuted in 1995 as a continuation of the HeroQuest series using Warhammer Fantasy’s setting. Games Workshop supported the game for three years with two adventure packs and several warrior packs that expanded the archetypes available to players.
Expect updates on Warhammer Quest: Cursed City’s release date and pricing when those details become available.