Hereditary and Gorillaz inspired this demonic solo RPG
Hell today, gone tomorrow.
A new solo tabletop roleplaying game inspired by the likes of horror movie Hereditary and virtual music group Gorillaz is coming.
We are Legion is a tabletop RPG about being a demon. Designed to be played as a solo game, with the player journalling their demonic experiences, We are Legion is a tabletop title about the dark things that live beneath the earth. Beginning the game as a fledging demon, players will progress through the stages of their hellish life, detailing their thoughts, feelings and memories as they go.
Similarly to the solo TRPG Thousand Year Old Vampire – a game about attempting to retain memories throughout centuries and centuries of time – We are Legion is a tabletop RPG that takes place across a player’s journal, with the focus being on the player’s role as a demonic tempter. Working for the very Devil themselves, the player must attempt to lure people away from “the enemy above” and towards their lord below. The more souls they manage to secure for hell, the higher the player character will rise in their demonic rank.

For every mortal they approach, the player will roll dice to determine what their lapses in moral judgment are and how they are drawn closer to the underworld. A mortal’s sin will depend upon the dice result, with the higher results leading to more severe crimes. Within We are Legion, players will find instruction on how to be a demonic tempter, tools on how to create their character, details on different demonic ranks and various prompts of how they can play out scenarios like demonic possession.
Cited inspirations for the upcoming TRPG include the aforementioned Hereditary, a 2018 horror film directed by Ari Aster, the virtual band Gorillaz – best known for songs such as Feel Good Inc and Dare – as well as The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch, the crime thriller film Se7en and the recent indie video game Cult of the Lamb.
We are Legion was created by Alexei Vella, a graphic designer and writer who has previously created horror tabletop RPGs such as They Feed on Fear – wherein players take on the role of monsters stalking their imaginary victims – and a map-making TRPG about liminal spaces called Liminal_.
The Kickstarter campaign for We are Legion is live until September 30, with a pledge of CA$20 (£13/$15) getting backers a physical copy of the TTRPG book in October. Otherwise, a digital version of the game is available for a pledge of CA$9 (£6/$7).