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WhoForWat is a hilarious co-op party game with Adventure Time-like art that will have you arguing with your friends

Who IS George?!

Image credit: Blue Orange/Dicebreaker

A new co-op party game releasing next year looks primed to spark heated debate (read: arguments) around the table on some very silly subjects.

WhoForWat’s premise is simple. In the middle of the table, six cards are arranged next to the numbers 1 through 6.

Then, a prompt card is drawn that asks the players a question. In our brief preview at Essen Spiel 2023, the question asked us to pick the character that was most likely to be called George. Other example prompts include things like “Who would win the magic dance competition?”

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The players use the tokens in their hand - also numbered 1 through 6 - to vote on what they believe to be the best match, before everyone’s choices are revealed. If the players managed to all vote for the same character, they claim a token.

Those tokens are used in the game’s final round, where six characters from previous rounds are lined up. There’s no prompt: the players simply vote on their favourite. If there’s no consensus, they lose a token and any characters without votes are removed, before everyone votes again. If the group manages to reach an agreement before they run out of tokens, they win.

Image credit: Blue Orange/Dicebreaker

With our demo game quickly descending into a passionate discussion over whether a lanky alien-like creature or a cute bomb-person with a tiny smiling face is more George-like, WhoForWat feels perfectly pitched to join the likes of Wavelength in party games that give rise to hilarious and heartfelt debate.

Helping the game’s appeal is its artwork, which has a charming, slightly surreal style in the vein of Adventure Time or The Muppets, with every card having a unique character - known in the game as the Zigotos - on each side for plenty of replayability.

WhoForWat will be released in 2024 by Kingdomino and Photsynthesis publisher Blue Orange, costing €20.

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