New Colt Express expansion allows players to team up for a train heist
Two the locomotion.
Team-up with your fellow bandits to pull off an ambitious train heist together in the latest expansion for Colt Express - 2 Trains & 1 Mission.
Revealed at Essen Spiel 2021, Colt Express: 2 Trains & 1 Mission is the next expansion for wild west series that adds a second train, two new playable characters and a brand new co-op game mode. Chugging alongside the tracks of the Colt Express is the Union Pacific, a steam engine containing a collection of top secret documents that a crew of bandits have their greedy eyes on. However, retrieving them won’t be easy, as this train is home to security wielding shotguns and a gatling gun that rains fire from the roof.
2 Trains & 1 Mission features an additional 3D train for players to introduce into their games which contains two special cars and even more dangers to overcome. Also included in the upcoming board game expansion are two new bandits for players to take control of, each with their own unique powers. One is a fierce hand-to-hand fighter called Misty, who has the ability to use any bullet cards in her hands as punch cards, and the other is a duo called Twinzz who are able to play two cards whenever a tunnel round occurs - but must play both face up.

Besides the two new playable characters, an AI controlled character called Il Professore is featured within the expansion that’s designed to stand in for an extra player should one team ever find themselves understaffed. There are two team modes included in 2 Trains & 1 Mission, one which is a straight-up battle between two sides to see which earns the most gold and one where players can choose to betray their team in the last round and try to take the gold for themselves. Should players choose to support their team, then they can play a nudge card to give one of their fellow bandits a chance to perform a basic action on their turn.
Colt Express: 2 Trains & 1 Mission was created by Christophe Raimbault, the designer behind the original Colt Express and its quick board game spin-off Colt Super Express, as well as all the series’ previous expansions.
Ludonaute is the publisher behind Colt Express: 2 Trains & 1 Mission, as well as the core game and tabletop titles such as Lewis & Clark: The Expedition - a board game that has players attempting to reach the edge of the Pacific ocean first - and Discoveries: The Journals of Lewis & Clark.
Colt Express is a board game that has players competing against each other to rob the most loot possible from a train guarded by a warden. Players take it in turns to lay down an action card on the same stack, before the stack is turned over and the actions take place in the order they were played. The number of cards played and how they’re played depends upon the round card, with some being placed facedown or turn order changing.
The release date for Colt Express: 2 Trains & 1 Mission is set for sometime in 2022, a rail release price is yet to be confirmed.