Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivial Pursuit tests your knowledge of The Infinity Saga
Compete to collect the Infinity Stones.
A new edition of Trivial Pursuit looks to challenge players on their knowledge of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe covers the entire catalogue of films and television series released by Marvel Studios since Iron Man’s launch in 2008. Each run of Marvel films have been split into a series of phases, with the first three being labelled The Infinity Saga.
Phases one to three of the MCU include films such as the entire Iron Man trilogy, the first three Thor films, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and 2, Black Panther and Captain Marvel. The Infinity Saga was wrapped up by the release of The Avengers: Infinity War in 2018 and The Avengers: Endgame in 2019.

Trivial Pursuit: Marvel Cinematic Universe – Ultimate Edition is a new trivia board game that challenges players to answer questions themed around various films within the MCU. The catalogue of questions focuses on phases one to three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: meaning everything before and including the aforementioned duo of Infinity War and Endgame.
The family board game contains a total of 1800 questions, each revolving around one of the six different Infinity Stones – the iconic collection of powerful artefacts that pop up throughout the first three phases of the MCU and are used by Thanos in the finale films of The Infinity Saga. By correctly answering questions themed around power, reality, space, soul, mind and time, players will be able to win wedges in each of the categories.
Eventually, players can attempt to reach the very middle of the board and try to correctly answer a final question from a category of their opponents’ choice. Whichever player manages to collect all six wedges and correctly answer a final question is named the winner.
Trivial Pursuit: Marvel Cinematic Universe – Ultimate Edition is set to be published by The Op, a studio that has previously released various other Marvel board games such as Marvel Dice Throne – a tabletop title that has players rolling dice to perform attacks and abilities against one another as iconic Marvel heroes and villains – and Marvel Smash Up, a card game in which players can combine two vastly differently themed decks into one chaotic collection.
Players can get Trivial Pursuit: Marvel Cinematic Universe – Ultimate Edition now for $53 (£42).