Royal Mail has created official Warhammer stamps to mark the fantasy wargame’s 40th anniversary
Slimux mailux.
You’ll soon be able to send letters using official Royal Mail stamps featuring Warhammer artwork, as part of the miniature wargame’s 40th anniversary celebrations.
The Royal Mail stamps technically mark the 40th anniversary of the original Warhammer Fantasy Battle - released by Games Workshop in 1983 - but also include characters from its modern successor Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, hugely popular sci-fi spin-off Warhammer 40,000 and the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World, which revives the setting of the original Warhammer Fantasy.

Four of the stamps feature artwork from Warhammer rulebooks and games, including Warhammer 40k’s first edition Rogue Trader, Age of Sigmar’s beast-hunting lord Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 40k’s ruling Emperor of Mankind - as depicted in prequel The Horus Heresy - and the Battle for Skull Pass from The Old World.
A further six stamps show off painted miniatures from some of Warhammer’s most popular armies: 40k’s Space Marines and Orks, Age of Sigmar’s Stormcast Eternals and Slaves to Darkness, and The Old World’s High Elves and Dwarfs.
The stamps will be released on June 8th, in both standard formats and in various collector packs, postcards, metal stamp ingots and medal covers.