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Twilight Imperium and Android are being turned into graphic novels

Mecatol Read.

Epic sci-fi board game Twilight Imperium and cyberpunk series Android - best known as the setting of living card game Netrunner - are being adapted as graphic novels.

Both Twilight Imperium and Android will be released as graphic novels next year by CMON, the publisher which previously adapted its own Zombicide, Zombicide: Invader and Cthulhu: Death May Die games into comic book form earlier this year.

Twilight Imperium and Android will be the first licensed graphic novel releases from CMON’s Guillotine Press label, with both sci-fi franchises owned by publisher Fantasy Flight Games.

While details of the graphic novels’ storylines and connection to the Twilight Imperium and Android universes are yet to be announced, CMON said it would be working with “veteran writers and artists” on the books.

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The graphic novels will include “tie-in game components” that can be used in the original board games. CMON’s Kickstarter for its first volume of comics included miniatures and promo cards for Zombicide, Cthulhu: Death May Die and Zombicide: Invader.

Twilight Imperium was Fantasy Flight’s debut release, and sees players competing for control of the universe filled with a variety of alien races - from the lion-people Emirates of Hacan to the reptilian Naalu Collective - using diplomacy, trade and conflict. The notoriously lengthy board game’s fourth edition was released in 2017, and will see the release of its recently revealed first expansion, Prophecy of Kings, later this year.

The world of Android first made an appearance in the board game of the same name, before becoming the setting of the beloved living card game Android: Netrunner and other spin-offs including New Angeles and roleplaying supplement Shadow of the Beanstalk for RPG system Genesys.

The Twilight Imperium and Android graphic novels will be launched on Kickstarter in 2021. Titles, prices and release dates are yet to be confirmed.

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