Dungeon Crawl Classic’s massive Humble Bundle crams 75 RPG books into a $25 deal
You’ll be rolling dice 'til next summer.
If your tabletop group has the appetite for massive adventures but a budget that barely pays the tavern tab, Humble Bundle’s latest RPG collection will keep the backlog full courtesy of beloved old-school series Dungeon Crawl Classics.
Published by the Santa Fe-based Goodman Games, Dungeon Crawl Classics specialises in creating tabletop RPG supplements in the style of Advanced Dungeons & Dragon modules - highly dangerous delves, pulpy plotlines, evil wizards and mounds of treasure protected by ancient lizards. Humble’s Book offering, the DCC MegaBundle, collects 75 books from their catalogue that players can purchase for $25/£20.
DCC is offering a few tiers of books, as is the case with all Humble Bundles. If the RPG spending is extremely tight this month, you can pick up three holiday-themed modules for less than a quid. The two valentine adventures and The Feast of the Gobbler-Witch shows off DCC’s particular charm, sense of humour and approach to old-school roleplay that has made them a staple amongst veteran tabletop hobbyists.
Spending a bit more gains access to Goodman Games’ convention modules and special DCC Day adventures from the past few years. Many of these are higher-level trials, with at least one being used as the format for a competitive, score-based tournament that had multiple parties vying for as many points as possible without dying to traps, monsters or other hazards.
Anyone who pays the full price can enjoy the first ten serialised modules from DCC’s portfolio - books such as Idylls of the Rat King and The Mysterious Tower that the publisher calls “essential”. Less traditional supplements such as Castle Whiterock or The Tower of Faces will push RPG groups to stretch their roleplay muscles in expansive campaign worlds or strenuous challenge gauntlets.
DCC’s bundle also includes several horror-themed modules from the publisher’s Dungeon Crawl Classics Horror imprint, trading the genre pulp of ‘70s science fantasy novels for the slightly different genre pulp of cinema monsters, apocalypse fiction and hauntings.

Even if you’re hesitant to stray far from the comfort of 5th Edition’s ruleset, the folks at Goodman Games have included something to suit your tastes in their Fifth Edition Fantasy series. Eight modules convert their writing and design style into a form compatible with D&D’s rulebooks (or systems from competitors such as Kobold Games’ recent entry). These include the acclaimed Sunken Temple of Set, a beloved module reimagined and republished last year.
Proceeds from DCC’s Humble Book Bundle will support World Central Kitchen, a non-profit working to combat the widespread food insecurity that occurs after natural disasters and humanitarian crises. They also work with residents and communities to create stronger, long-term ecosystems that can better withstand the increasing number of natural disasters occurring each year.
More information about what’s included in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Humble Mega Bundle can be found on the platform’s official website. The deal will be available through September 14th and contains ebooks in a variety of file types that should be compatible with any ereader or digital device.