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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin’s last playable faction is the mutable Disciples of Tzeentch

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Lord of Change unit from Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin video game
Image credit: Frontier Developments/Games Workshop

The fourth and final playable faction in the upcoming Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin video game will be the Disciples of Tzeentch, an army of mutated, mystical disciples to the eponymous Chaos god.

Though they look a little wacky with their half-animal forms and often luminescent skin tones, the Disciples of Tzeentch will boast quite a bit of ranged power and status effects they can impose on their foes. Tzeentch’s sorcerous followers join the previously announced Stormcast Eternals, Orruk Kruleboyz and Nighthaunt factions to round out the upcoming strategy title’s roster of playable armies.

According to developer Frontier Developments, the Disciples of Tzeentch will play a smaller but “vital” role in the singleplayer campaign when compared to the other factions pulled from the lore of Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s fantasy miniature wargame. Players who delve into Conquest Mode and the multiplayer side of the video game will find robust regiments of horrors, daemons and other twisted soldiers to send against their foes.

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Tzeentch units are not cheap, and their army will never rival the size or ferocity of the Orruk Kruleboyz, but those that survive into the late game will bring some serious arcane might to the battlefield. True to the power of their god, Disciples of Tzeentch can be unpredictable even in death. Take the Pink Horrors as an example: these ranged units split into smaller Blue Horrors when killed, and each of those become Brimstone Horrors when defeated whose sole goal is to run directly into a crowd of enemies and explode.

Tzaangor Skyfires can reveal hidden units as they hover over the battlefield, and their superior mobility make them excellent scouts for flushing out would-be flank manoeuvres, as you can see in this faction spotlight video. The Lord of Change is one of the most expensive but devastating units in the faction's repertoire - this flaming, avian nightmare can open a gateway directly to Chaos in the middle of a pitched melee and dump raw sorcerous energy directly onto the unfortunate enemy beneath.

Battlefield screenshot from Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin video game
Image credit: Frontier Developments/Games Workshop

Realms of Ruin previously announced two secondary systems that will appeal to the miniature painters and diorama builders in Warhammer’s fandom. Outside of the solo campaign, Conquest Mode and multiplayer matches, players can fully customise their faction’s aesthetic in the Army Livery and create carefully posed battlescapes in the Scene Editor, posing each blade, wing and fireblast as they wish.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin will release on PC and both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles on November 17th. While it’ll be the most recent upcoming video game based in Warhammer’s universe, the computer RPG Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader will be hot on its heels when it lands on December 7th. More details about this title, which draws on the sci-fi wargame’s very first published book, are available to read on Dicebreaker.

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