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Join us at Essen Spiel 2023 for four days full of LIVE board game news, reveals and previews!

We’re trying something new for this year’s German board game extravaganza.

This week sees the return of Essen Spiel, the world’s biggest board game convention held every year in Germany. With thousands of the hottest releases all in one place, Spiel is the place to find the must-play board games of the year - from blockbuster names from familiar designers and publishers to brand new discoveries from the creators you should be watching.

With so many games to see and only four days to scour the show floor, it’s always a challenge to cover everything. We’re only human, after all. While we reckon we do a pretty good job of picking out the highlights of every Spiel, this year we’re trying something new to give you an even greater look at the most exciting games in Essen and spread the spotlight even wider.

Alongside our more in-depth news articles and hands-on previews, this year we’ll be hosting a running liveblog for each day of Essen Spiel 2023. The Dicebreaker team will be posting about the promising games they’ve spotted on their travels around the Messe Essen, as well as providing short impressions of the games that we play during the weekend.

Check out some of the best games from last year's Essen SpielWatch on YouTube

While we’ll still be writing up more detailed articles on the games that excite us most, the liveblogs will be the first place to learn about everything we’ve seen and a chance to get a glimpse at all those games that we might not have a chance to talk about otherwise.

We’ll also be able to reply to any comments or questions you post, so if you want to learn more about a game you spot, that’s the place to ask!

We’ll be honest: it’s the first time we’ve done something like this, so we’ll be working some of it out as we go. More than anything, we think it will be a great way to share some love with those smaller gems tucked away on the show floor that deserve your attention. Who knows, maybe you’ll find your next board game obsession.

Find our liveblog pages for each day of Essen Spiel 2023 below - we’ll be splitting our updates into four daily feeds to make it easier to look through everything we see.

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