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Pick up One Deck Dungeon on iOS and Android for under £1

Dungeon quids-in.

Compact card game One Deck Dungeon is currently on sale for less than a pound on mobile.

The app is a faithful digital version of the snappy dungeon-crawler, in which one or two players choose from a roster of classic fantasy classes, including a mage, warrior, rogue, archer and paladin.

The players descend into the titular dungeon, resolving encounters by rolling dice to defeat monsters and gather treasure. If they fail to complete the given goals on cards, the party can suffer time or health penalties, eventually leading to their failure.

As they progress during each game, the characters unlock new skills, acquire items and level up with experience. Players can also unlock additional talents for future playthroughs after each session, with each run lasting around 15 minutes.

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There are a handful of different challenges in the app, ranging from a dragon’s cave to a minotaur’s maze. One Deck Dungeon’s expansion Forest of Shadows is available to buy as DLC in the app, and introduces five more heroes and five extra dungeons, alongside a new encounter deck that can combine with the base game.

One Deck Dungeon can be had for 99p on the iOS App Store and 89p on Google Play for Android.

It’s still full price on PC via Steam, at £7.19, although the PC version is included in a Humble Bundle of games and assets for game development software Unity, if you’re looking to scoop it as part of a bigger deal.

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