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Railroad Ink Challenge rolls, writes and rides its way onto PC and mobile

Ticket to Dice.

Colourful roll-and-write train game Railroad Ink Challenge has arrived on mobile and PC with a new app on iOS, Android and Steam.

A sequel to the original Railroad Ink, which sees players drawing networks of both rails and roads on a grid to connect exits and score points, Railroad Ink Challenge introduces in-game objectives that offer bonus points if completed before a specific round. For example, forming a circular route, creating a route of a certain length or filling enough of the board’s central spaces. The board game was released this year following its successful Kickstarter in 2020.

Railroad Ink Challenge’s mobile app follows the format of the board game, featuring the ability to challenge friends and other players online with custom multiplayer matches - featuring either randomised or custom objectives - as well as a single-player score attack mode that places on a global leaderboard broken into daily, monthly and all-time rankings. The multiplayer mode is asynchronous and supports cross-platform play between mobile and PC.

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The app includes Railroad Ink Challenge’s blue base set, one of the series’ various multicoloured variants. The blue-box game mode includes villages, factories and universities that provide the chance to score bonus points, duplicate a die and use an additional special tile - usually limited to three per game - respectively when a player fills their square.

The yellow Desert and green Forest variants - which introduce additional expansion dice with rules and bonuses specific to each environment - are marked as “coming soon” in the app. Publisher Horrible Guild has not confirmed the DLC’s pricing or release dates, or whether the original Railroad Ink’s Deep Blue and Blazing Red expansion dice will eventually come to the digital board game.

Railroad Ink Challenge is out now on iOS, Android and PC. It costs £3.99/$3.99 on mobile via the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, and £5.99 on Steam.

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