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How to make an RPG character you won't get bored of

Avoid several levels of roleplay exhaustion

Carrying on with a video format we started last week on the subject of the problem with combat in RPGs, this week we’re chatting on the subject of character creation and, more specifically, character longevity. If you’ve been playing RPGs for a fairly long time, you’re bound to have run into this issue before, you, your party and GM find yourselves knee-deep into a campaign and you just can’t seem to muster the energy to play your character because they’re just plain boring to you now.

If you keep falling into the trap of making a character that doesn’t quite live up to your expectations, - i.e. enthralling you over the course of a campaign spanning several years - we have a few suggestions on how you can build your character in a way that doesn’t leave you just praying for a Big Bad to show up and take them down.

Myself and Dicebreaker’s Head of Video Wheels dive into our tips on how to make an RPG character that will stand the test of time in this video. From in-game connections, avoiding gimmicks and even some examples of how we came to dislike our own characters, struggling roleplayers should find this video quite helpful. Whether you’re playing D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu or any other RPG, these tips are bound to translate.

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