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What’s happening with Dicebreaker?

Things are changing, but staying (mostly) the same.

As of today, Wednesday March 18th, the entire Dicebreaker team will be working from home until further notice. This is in order to keep both the team and other people as safe as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic currently affecting people and livelihoods both in the UK and across the globe.

Although being remote presents some unique hurdles when covering a hobby that involves groups of people being in the same space and touching cards, tokens, dice and other pieces, we’ll be doing everything we can to keep Dicebreaker’s YouTube channel and website coverage of board games, tabletop RPGs and more as close to what you’ve come to expect as possible.

That said, you will notice some changes to our output as we adjust to not being able to be in the same room as each other. We’ll be hoping to run tabletop RPGs (including continuing our Dungeons & Dragons video series Dungeonbreaker) over the internet from our homes, as well as hosting our regular painting and tabletop gaming livestreams on Thursdays.

Playing board games on camera will naturally be a bit more of a challenge, but we’ll be exploring ways of looking at both new releases and old favourites while self-isolating.

On the website, we’ll continue to cover the latest news from around the world of tabletop, as well as rounding up some recommendations for board games and tabletop RPGs that will hopefully provide you with some much-needed entertainment and escape.

There may be some disruption to our output as we get this all up and running, but we hope that things will remain as close to ‘normal’ as possible in a very not-normal situation.

It’s maybe hard to hold up tabletop games as being important in the light of an actual life-or-death situation affecting billions of people around the world with serious repercussions. But one of the greatest things about board games is their power to bring us together, even when we can’t be together in person - and that’s arguably that’s more important than ever. We hope that watching and reading our silly shenanigans will help provide some levity during what may be a tough time for some of you.

Stay safe, practise social distancing (but stay in touch with those important to you), wash your hands regularly, and protect you and those around you.

- the Dicebreaker team

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