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Farewell, Sara Elsam

Wishing goodbye and good luck to a member of the Dicebreaker team.

We’re sad to announce that today is Sara Elsam’s last day as part of the Dicebreaker team as they return to the world of freelance journalism.

Sara brought their wealth of tabletop knowledge and experience to the editorial team last year ahead of the Dicebreaker website going live, working tirelessly before and since to help fill it with their wonderful words on everything from Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering to Alien and a Swedish doom metal RPG.

If you haven’t already, you should absolutely read all of the brilliant features they wrote during their time with Dicebreaker. There’s the brilliantly evocative preview of Games of Thrones-y board game The King’s Dilemma, their dive into steampunk D&D setting Eberron, their review of fantasy card game Bargain Quest and their chat with industry legend Ian Livingstone about the origins of Warhammer and Fighting Fantasy and bringing Dungeons & Dragons to the UK, to name just a handful of many highlights.

Of course, Sara was also a familiar face on the Dicebreaker YouTube channel, where they introduced the rest of the team to The King’s Dilemma in a very entertaining Let’s Play, created a hilarious robot version of Carly Rae Jepsen in our EGX Rezzed session of RPG Boy Problems and helped steal Christmas in the team Blades in the Dark special.

Watch on YouTube

We’d be remiss not to mention Sara’s appearance as part of Dicebreaker’s Dungeons & Dragons series Dungeonbreaker, where they portrayed the magnificent Erik and spawned the instantly iconic phrase “I’ve got loads of money!” while impersonating a haughty noble during our Dino-score heist. During Erik’s adventures as part of the Dungeonbreaker party he also made friends with a magical unicorn called Alfreed and sampled many of the finer tipples that the world of Eberron had to offer - if you haven’t watched Sara’s brilliant performance throughout the first season, you owe it to yourself. (For those wondering, we’ll be beginning a new season of Dungeonbreaker very soon with a brand new member of the party.)

Watch on YouTube

Sara’s wit, comprehensive knowledge of D&D and love of all things cursed and spooky will be sorely missed by the team, but you’ll hopefully continue to see them pop up on Dicebreaker in the future, as well as various other places. Follow Sara on Twitter to stay up-to-date with their latest work.

For now, though, please join the whole team in saying a huge thanks, the best of luck and a fond farewell - for the moment - to Sara.

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