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Arkham Horror novella Dark Revelations includes a playable investigator for the living card game

Murder she wrote.

An author is sworn to uncover the mystery behind a dead man’s book in Dark Revelations, the next novella from Fantasy Flight Games that introduces a new investigator to Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

Gloria Goldberg is an author known for writing strange and disturbing stories inspired by the nightmares she has suffered from for many years. Despite being a source of inspiration for her, the visions become especially sinister when they show her the image of a fellow novelist - and dear friend - Jamie Gailbraith, begging her to ‘finish what he started’. After hearing of his untimely death, Gloria makes the dreaded journey to Arkham to find her dead friend’s manuscript and unearth the mysteries behind its creation.

Dark Revelations by Amanda Downum includes an original 96-page novella set in the Arkham Horror Files world, alongside a collection of full-colour inserts designed to fill out the lore behind the story and how it fits in with the wider universe. The insert includes pieces of artwork, newspaper clippings and other pieces of literature about Gloria and Jamie’s adventures.

Dark Revelations Arkham Horror: The Card Game investigator

In addition to the insert, readers will also find a selection of new promo cards for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, including Gloria Goldberg herself. The investigator has not been featured in the living card game until now, but will be made available to players in future expansions.

As an author plagued by terrifying and enlightening visions, Gloria is possessed with the gift of Clairvoyance, which means that she is able to peek at the one or more cards from a player’s encounter deck and swap them out for other cards. This ability makes Gloria an especially good investigator to use whenever players might be unprepared to face any particularly nasty encounters in the current or following rounds.

Dark Revelations also comes with two signature cards for Arkham Horror: The Card Game that are only available with the novella. One of these cards is beneficial - an ally by the name of Ruth Westmacott who enables Gloria to use the encounter cards she collects from other players to her advantage - whilst the other has the potential to put Gloria in significant peril by forcing her to play an even more difficult version of an encounter card.

Dark Revelations Arkham Horror: The Card Game cards

Arkham Horror: The Card Game sees players working together as investigators moving from location to location in order to uncover a mystery and defeat various monstrous foes. Based on the Cthulhu mythos, the living card game has players using their individual investigator decks to overcome skill checks and fight any enemies they encounter.

Fantasy Flight Games - the owner of the Arkham Horror Files universe - has previously released novels based on both the Arkham Horror Files universe and its other properties, such as Keyforge and Legend of the Five Rings. The publisher’s upcoming board game Descent: Legends of the Dark was leaked in July after a description for next year’s tie-in novel, The Shield of Daqan, was posted on Amazon.

Dark Revelations is set to be released this November at a retail price of $15 (£11). It is yet to be announced which Arkham Horror: The Card Game expansions will include Gloria Goldberg’s investigator card.

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