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We celebrate Dicebreaker’s one year podcast anniversary!

By discussing the recent Arkham Horror video game, good digital board games and helicopters on Mars.

It’s been a whole year since we started recording the Dicebreaker podcast, can you believe it? I know I can’t! Thanks to all our listeners and viewers who have stuck with us for the past 12 months, we look forward to providing more ridiculousness for you over the next year. The entire team is present for this episode, with Matt, Lolies, Wheels and Meehan chatting about board games, roleplaying games and more tabletop goodness - in between the usual tangents, of course.

This week, Lolies reminds us how much she loves Quacks of Quedlinburg, Wheels continues his spooky adventures in the world of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, Meehan sails the seas of Libertalia and Matt praises the upcoming Monster Hunter World board game. There’s also talk of - gasp! - video games, with Matt telling the team about the many misfortunes of the recently released Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace, which attempts to poorly translate the gameplay of Mansions of Madness into digital form.

The team also tackles the latest headlines from the tabletop world, such as the announcement of another co-op game from Pandemic designer Matt Leacock, which looks to deal with the heavy topic of climate change. Other news covered on this episode includes the first release RPG from Warchief Gaming - the studio co-founded by ex-Blizzard executives - and the reveal of a deduction game called Save Patient Zero.

Audience questions are also answered by the quartet, including one very special email that’s sure to teach you a thing or two about the viability of flying a helicopter on Mars, alongside queries about good digital board games and lunch.

You can find the latest episode of the Dicebreaker Podcast on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Podcasts. Prefer another player? You can find the RSS feed here.

If you prefer a visual medium to an audio one, you can watch the latest episode of the podcast on the Dicebreaker YouTube channel right now.

Watch on YouTube

Have a question for Dicebreaker? You can email it at, tweet it to @joindicebreaker or pop it into the comments section on this article.

Games discussed:

  • Bullet♥
  • Arkham Horror: The Card Game
  • Splendor
  • Quacks of Quedlinburg
  • Libertalia
  • 7 Wonders
  • Qwinto
  • Ok Play
  • Monster Hunter: World
  • Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace
  • Micro Macro: Crime City
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • Dinn
  • Climate Crisis
  • Save Patient Zero
  • Auroboros: Coils of the Serpent
  • Root
  • Crokinole
  • Catacombs

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