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Ankh: Gods of Egypt and Crescent Moon are given the Dicebreaker Podcast treatment

A fan-made Last of Us board game also gets a shout out.

This week’s episode of the Dicebreaker Podcast may have been pre-recorded – the video team were out doing important work for a very important project – but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t essential viewing/listening material.

Episode 105 sees Matt, Maddie and Meehan chatting about the tabletop games they’ve been playing lately, which turned out to be quite a lot! All three hosts discuss their opinions on the third entry in the unofficial ‘Mythic Trilogy’ - which also includes Blood Rage and Rising Sun – Ankh: Gods of Egypt. Having played it together, including for last week’s stream on the Dicebreaker YouTube channel, the trio discuss their feelings on the epic Ancient Egyptian-themed title.

Also up for discussion is Crescent Moon, an asymmetric board game that has players becoming characters in an intense war between rivals of a fictional Islamic kingdom. With Crescent Moon having the potential to become the next Root, what did the podcast hosts think of this intriguing and beautiful-looking wargame?

Other board games discussed on this episode include Wayfarers of the South Tigris – the first game in the third trilogy from Raiders of the North Sea publisher Garphill Games – superhero tabletop roleplaying game City of Mist and a very impressive-looking fan-made board game based on the Last of Us video game series.

The podcast is usually filmed live every Friday at 2PM BST, you can catch the latest episode then on the Dicebreaker YouTube channel. Otherwise, you can listen to the newest episode on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher and Google Podcasts. You can also add the podcast's RSS feed to your player of choice.

If you have any questions or suggestions for the Dicebreaker Podcast, you can post them in this article’s comment section or tweet us @joindicebreaker or email us at

Games (and other stuff) discussed

  • Crescent Moon
  • Ankh: Gods of Egypt
  • Wayfarers of the South Tigris
  • City of Mist
  • Last of Us Game

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