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The Dicebreaker Podcast travels to the past, present and future with Pandemic Legacy, 2020’s best RPGs and Star Trek

Available to download whatever timeline you’re in.

Where we’re going we don’t need roads - because we’re already off track moments into this week’s Dicebreaker Podcast.

Luckily, Matt, Lolies, Wheels and Meehan manage to steer themselves back into conversation about the latest board game and RPG news, as well as answering your questions about our player colours of choice, the best (and worst) artwork on the tabletop, and whether we prefer to team up or betray.

We also do a bit of time travelling, heading back to the origins of Pandemic Legacy in newly-revealed prequel Season 0, jumping into the future with the Klingon edition of Star Trek Adventures and staying with the present as we discuss the RPGs nominated for this year’s ENnie Awards. As if the time travel metaphor wasn’t enough for you already, there’s also Back to the Future board game Dice Through Time to discuss.

Meanwhile, we take a trip into alternate realities with the final instalment in the Century: Golem Edition trilogy and stay with the fantasy theme as we glance through the latest updates for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

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Find this week’s episode and all previous episodes of the podcast on our YouTube channel. (Due to some unfortunate tech hiccups, it’s still an audio-only version this week!)

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Have a question for the team? Let us know via social media @joindicebreaker, email or drop it in the comments below.

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Games discussed:

  • Back to the Future: Dice Through Time
  • Star Trek Adventures
  • Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
  • Quest
  • Lamentations of the Flame Princess
  • Lancer
  • Sleepaway
  • BFF! Best Friends Forever
  • Uncaged Vol III
  • Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Adventure Game
  • Zombie World
  • Icarus
  • Century: Golem Edition - An Endless World
  • Codenames
  • Paris: New Eden
  • Dungeons & Dragons 5E
  • Barenpark
  • Twilight Imperium 4E
  • Diplomacy
  • Werewolf

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